Sunday, April 24, 2022

It's planting time!

 The warm weather is finally here! It took right up until April 20 for temperatures to stay consistently over 55 (which many warm-season veggies prefer), but it happened. Highs are in the mid 80s now, and things are starting to grow like crazy! The irises and roses started blooming this week, the potatoes have grown a foot, the strawberries are covered in fruit, and even the carrots are starting to show signs of life.

Iris on Easter

All the potatoes had emerged by last weekend, and they have at least doubled in size since then. I'm experimenting with a slightly new growing technique this year. Potatoes prefer to be covered up with soil, a couple inches at a time, as they grow. You start when they're 6 inches tall, give or take, so you never cover more than half the stem at a time. With the potatoes in my grow bag, it's easy--I just add a little potting soil every week. With potatoes in the ground, it can be a little more complicated. The last couple of years I dug a trench and then just slowly filled the trench back in as the potatoes grew. The problem is all of that dirt has to go somewhere for a month (or more), so before I left it just beside the potatoes. It ends up taking a row all by itself, so then I couldn't plant anything there until I was done moving the dirt. It seemed like an inefficient use of space in my little 4' x 4' raised beds. This year I made a very shallow trench, so the leftover dirt got pushed into the trench last week after they all sprouted. From here on out, I plan on just mounding up compost from my compost bin. It has some nutrients, but it's not super high in nitrogen, and it drains well. It sounds like a good idea in theory!

I took this last weekend. The potatoes are at least twice as large now. Tomatoes on the left.

Last weekend I planted two tomato plants: a 'Celebrity' and a 'Husky Cherry.' The guy at the local hardware store recommended them. I have another two tomato plants a friend gave me, but they looked a little too small to stick in the ground just yet. This weekend I planted four 'Burpless' cucumber plants that I found at my favorite garden center. I had so much luck with cucumbers last year, I can't wait to grow them again. This is a slightly different variety, but I have high hopes.

Left to right: peas, teeny tiny carrot seedlings, strawberries, cucumbers.

The carrots are struggling, but the peas are thriving in spite of the four-legged invaders. You'll notice all my beds have short fencing around them this year. That's to keep my dog out. Last weekend one side had string trellis netting tied to a frame instead of fencing. Well, a cat decided to relieve himself in the row I planted my carrots, so he dug up at least 1 or 2 seedlings. THEN my dog decided he just HAD to go in there, too. He barged right through my trellis netting, walked all over my peas and carrots, and walked out completely tangled up in my netting. Pretty sure he ate my almost-perfect strawberry while he was in there, too. Now there is fencing on all four sides. It doesn't keep the cat out, but it discourages the dog. I think I have 4 carrot seedlings now.

"Who me?"

The strawberries look happy this year.

One of last year's experiments has turned out better than I hoped. I planted scarlet runner bean seeds. Scarlet runner beans are actually a perennial, but they don't like the frost. One of the 5 I planted survived the neglect of late summer and fall, died back in the winter, but re-emerged this spring looking better than ever!

Speaking of tropical plants, one of last year's planters got a little makeover. The pineapple sage from last year survived, so I bought a new COLD HARDY banana plant to go with it ('Busjoo')! I added a lime balm plant that's been living in a tiny pot since a friend gave it to me a couple of years ago, and a new spearmint plant. I feel like it's a whole tropical island or fruit salad in a pot.

Also, because I've gotten really into impulse purchases for my vegetable garden the past couple of years, I bought some new experimental jalapeno seeds called 'NuMex Lemon Spice.' They look cheerful, and I love anything citrus. I think they would be really good pickled. Since I didn't get any peppers started early this year, I just planted them in a pot outside. *Fingers crossed*

Thanks for reading along this far! I'll have more pretty photos for you next time.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Waiting for growth

 Some years we’re planting tomatoes right now, but we got a cool snap this weekend with lows in the 30s and 40s. It didn’t get much above 60 yesterday! I don’t mind it, since my late-planted cool-season veggies need it to get established.

Peas two weeks after planting

I planted everything about 2 weeks ago. The peas are off to a quick start and look quite happy. The carrots look like maybe 3 have germinated, but the seedlings are so tiny, it’s hard to tell if they’re carrots or just weeds. There are a could of odd impressions in the soil, perhaps the shape of a cat butt, right in my carrot row. I hope they don’t ruin the seeds I planted there. Carrots take forever to germinate (the seed packet says up to 25 days), so I’ll find out in another week or so whether my seeds are going to make it.

Out of the 21 chunks of potato I planted, 6 have sprouted so far. I hope to see the rest emerge this week. Before I plant my potatoes I always cut the chunks up and leave them sitting out a day or so. It’s supposed to reduce rotting by letting the cut sides form a callous before planting. Well, this time I didn’t get around to planting them right away, and they were sitting out around a week waiting to be planted. It's not ideal, but I think most of them should still make it.

Potato sprout

My asparagus started coming up a week ago! I cut enough for maybe one serving and gave it to my mother for her enjoyment while I was visiting. It's so cute when it starts emerging, I always aspire to take beautiful pictures of asparagus coming out of the dirt, but I can't ever seem to get a picture of it in focus. That's a photography skill I can work on. Last year it seemed like the asparagus only came up one or two two stalks at a time, never enough to eat. Hopefully I'll get plenty of asparagus this year--and plenty of practice photographing it. 

Some books say you should actually wait until April 20 to plant heat-loving veggies like tomatoes and peppers in our area. The forecast right now shows another cool snap possibly coming through April 17, so I'll probably follow that advice this year. Besides, I'm happy to have a little extra spring to enjoy my garden before we jump into summer.